Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Scrambled Words

Scramble these words if you can. I'll give you guys hints, so don't worry. By the way, these words are related to my useless life. And sorry if you can't scramble them. So yeah, enjoy!

1)sifh-My worst nightmares!
2)lppruoin-My official nationality.
3)leurpp iahr-One of my faovrite things in the world, and something I just recently had.
4)J.A.-Name of my bearded dragon
5)llipph-The used-to-be name of my bearded dragon
6)meoh-This was where I was on November 26, while everyone else was at school.
7)runsua-Planet that aliens raised me at
8)itngext-Something I do pretty often
10)leengred xtetkobos-Something I own that distracts everyone
11)fefeco-My faovrite drink!
12)kayi-iaky cckhi ahg howo-oho-The way we say "hello" in Purplino

LOL. So yeah, hope you guys, um, unscramble!

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